Evanston's Community Winter Indoor Farmers' Market
Immanuel Congregation is excited to host the winter version of the Evanston Farmer’s Market again in 2025 (dates below)
We welcome you to participate in this community event!
Anyone in the community is invited to serve with us in putting on the Winter Indoor Farmers Market in 2024-2025. If you’re interested in Advocacy, Advertising and Planning, Cleanup, Greeting, or Set-up, please fill out a form.
Volunteer Form
Immanuel’s marketplace focuses on farmers, emphasizing the sale of locally grown greens, vegetables, fish, eggs, meats, cheeses, and dry goods. This helps producers create a revenue stream in an otherwise bleak season.
Most importantly, this market has Christ and community at the center. All the money gathered by the church from the kitchen, pantry, and vendor space donations is given to hunger-based organizations. More than $30,000 has been given away over the last three years to organizations such as:
- Evanston Community Fridge
- Hillside Food Pantry
- Soup-at-Six
- Curt’s Cafe
- YWCA Women’s Shelter
- Evanston’s Interfaith Action
- Lutheran World Hunger.
Your purchases at the market bring the vendors back each week, which allows for the distribution of gifts. Shopping here actively benefits Evanston!
Free postcards and free stamps are available to shoppers who want to exercise their civic voice. The cards highlight the Priorities of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America’s Advocacy Office, but they are of importance to many:
- educating our children
- protecting the earth
- providing hospitality to neighbors and migrants
- eliminating gender-based violence
- access to affordable healthcare
- sentencing reform
- opportunities for family farms and small business
- addressing poverty, hunger and homelessness.
Conversation around the table has been positive and hopeful with many planning to host postcard parties of their own. To date, over 1,200 cards have been mailed to key leaders in Washington and Springfield.
The farmers’ market, feeding the hungry, and postcard advocacy all fit into Immanuel’s “Faith that Feeds” focus. Come for veggies! Come for postcards!
Market Dates
Market is open 8 AM – 12:30 PM on the following Saturdays
Market Dates for 24-25 Season (after the initial one in November all are 1st or 3rd Saturdays of the Month):
November 23
December 7, December 21
January 4, January 18
February 1, February 15
March 1, March 15
April 5
Vendor Partners

Signage Sponsor
Grant Partners
Evanston’s Community Indoor Farmers’ Market gratefully acknowledges the support of Compeer Financial which provided a grant for on-site signage. Thank you, Compeer Financial!