Items Needed for Evanston Service Organizations
Our congregation, along with Grace Lutheran Church, will engage in service to our community on Saturday, September 10th. We are asking for donations of items to four important local service efforts listed below.
You can drop items off at the Grace Lutheran Church parking lot at 1430 South Blvd between 9:00 and 11:00 am on Saturday, September 10th where volunteers will receive them. Or you can bring your items to Immanuel on Sunday, September 4th, and we will make sure they get to Grace Lutheran.
1. Interfaith Action of Evanston Snap Gap Collection. Interfaith Action Evanston (IAE) operates the monthly Producemobile, which distributes fresh produce to Evanston families experiencing food insecurity. For more than a year, IAE has added SNAPGap, collecting and distributing items that most of us consider necessary—toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc.—but are not eligible for purchase with federal benefits. Especially needed are:
Toothpaste Toothbrushes Deodorant
2. Hospitality Center at St. Mark’s Church offers breakfast and a safe place to sleep. Job counselors provide advice, encouragement, and workshops for guests seeking employment. Computer trainers assist with online applications and resumes. The Center needs:
Packaged snacks Umbrellas Earbuds
3. Grace Lutheran Little Free Pantry is stocked with canned goods and other nonperishable food items donated by members of the congregation and neighbors. Needed are:
Canned Goods Other Non-perishable Food Items Pet Food
4. Connections for the Homeless is the leading agency in the northern suburbs delivering essential services to people facing homelessness and housing insecurity during the pandemic. They especially need:
Winter jackets, hats, gloves, and scarves Deodorant
As seen in the photo above, Immanuel stepped up in a big way last year, filling 2 cars with donations in addition to the items dropped off separately at Grace Lutheran. Let’s aim for at least 3 cars full this year!